27/02/2023, Optional type checking
- Optional type checking
- Gleam community, Codec
- Web Worker
13/02/2023, Datalog notebook
09/01/2023, Effect types
- Effect handlers
- Test framework
09/01/2023, Effect types
- Effect types
- Effect tracking
Week 51
- Structural editor
- First class case statements
Week 50
- Algebraic Effects
- Effect tracking and handling
- Language design
Week 46
Week 44
- Tree shaking
- Isomorphic code
Week 40
- Type provider for lists
- Tailwind layout
- Universal app
- Cluster management
Week 38
- Deployment platform
- fly.io
Week 36
- Effect types "do" and "impl"
- Structural typing
Week 35
- Effect types; Roc, Koka, Unison etc
Week 33
- Pure actor system
- Runtime monad
- Effect types, maybe.
Week 32
- Actors and pids
- Spawn and send
- Continuations in interpreter
Week 30
- Code transparency
- Universal message passing
Week 29
- Interpreters
- Code transparency
- Universal applications
Week 28
- Continuation Passing
- HTTP fetch
- Type providers
Week 27
- Spreadsheet
- Commit History
Week 24
- String formatting with Type Providers
- code reloading into UI app
Week 22
- Hot code reloading
- Type Providers
Week 21
- Apps/Mounts/Sandbox
- Typed holes
Week 20
- Copy and Paste
- Record access
Week 18
- Gleam bitstring pattern matching
Week 17
- Firmata in Gleam
- PLC scan cycle
Week 16
- Firmata Protocol
- erlang binary patterns
- Gleam pattern development
Week 10
- Recursive Functions
- Recursive Types
Week 9
- Record Types
- Union Types
- Row Types
Week 8
Week 5
- Hole AST node
- Isorecursive types, and Equirecursive types
- The expression problem
- Software 2.0
Week 4
- Cascading delete
- Type providers
Week 2
- Continuous testing
- Case clauses
- Typed holes
- Tagged union types
- Expandable unions
Week 1
- Structural Editor
- Type check and execute on key stroke
- Jump to error